Friday, August 14, 2009

A Mole In One

When I lived in Pittsburgh, I enjoyed playing golf with my cousin Freddie. Freddie is probably the craziest person I ever met.

His sense of humor is legendary. He and his friends would go into very exclusive restaurants and his friends would film Freddie as he pretended to fly around the patrons in a Superman costume. They did it to make some kind of documentary on how people react to outrageous behavior. I don't think they ever finished the movie, but it gave me ideas for something I did at my previous job (that will be in a future blog).

Anyway, one day we were playing golf and as we walked off the putting green, we see a dead mole. So, Freddie, picks it up and proceeds to place it in the hole we just played and puts the flag back in.

We go to the next tee box and wait and watch. Sure enough, an older couple reach the green and a lady goes to remove the pin but she is having trouble. She looks in the hole and shrieks. Her husband comes over and they both look into the hole, not knowing what to do. Finally, he uses his putter to lift it out.

I still laugh at that memory.

It was "A Mole in One".

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