Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Randall the Town Bully

About seven years ago, My wife and I (and Rusty) went on vacation to the mountains in Franklin, North Carolina. My wifes brother and his family live there.

One day, while my wife was inside a store shopping, Rusty and I decided to rest our feet/paws and sit outside the shop.

While we were minding our business, this nut, Randall, walks by and proceeds to threaten Rusty. It turns out, Rusty, had encroached on his sidewalk turf and he had to take two small steps out of his way to avoid stepping on him.

So, Randall says "That's a good way to get your dog kicked". Now normally, those are fighting words, but fortunately, my survival skills kicked in.

I muttered "Your a nice guy" and left it like that. I figured this guy was looking for trouble. The fact that he was built like a mountain man, made me be careful as well.

It turns out, he was the town bully.

My wifes brother (my first official follower) still teases me about old Randall.

1 comment:

  1. randall wants to know when your gonna visit again,haha!
