Wednesday, July 15, 2009

One Lucky Putt

The area that I live in, Tampa Palms, has one of the most prestigious golf courses in Florida. It was selected to host the Senior golf tournament in the early 1990's.

At one of these tournaments. MetLife hosted a putting contest for charity. To qualify, you had to make three putts in a row (there was a $2.00 fee to try). I made my three putts at the mall.

Myself and about 50 other people qualified. On the final day of the tournament, we all gathered on the practice green for a putting contest. Some guys showed up wearing golf shoes, and golf gloves, and expensive clothes. They all had fancy putters. I showed up in my Hooter's t-shirt with a golf club that is probably an antique. It was my grandfathers putter.

So, the contest started. The first part was an elimination. Whoever putted the ball into a circle from 60 feet away would advance. The putt was not easy. It was downhill and fast (with a sharp break).

The first 25 people missed the circle and then it was my turn. I made a few jokes and seemed to be the crowd favorite (I didn't look like country club material). So, I walked up and hit the ball. Somehow, it almost went in. Just missing by a few inches.

I then had to wait for the rest of the players to put it in the circle. Luckily, for me, they all missed. I won! It was a thrill. I was interviewed for the Tampa Tribune. I also won two round trip airline tickets and the golf clubs that I still use to this date.

It was one lucky putt. Below is the newspaper 'blurb'.

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