Thursday, July 16, 2009

Another Jerk

Today, we ventured out to the Jerk Hut again (click here for part 1).

This time, the participants were Marbert, Dennis, Richard, myself, and the two Marks, 'Jamaican Mark' and 'English Mark'. Coincidentally, they were the two drivers. I rode with Richard and the English Mark. Before we left, there were a few challenges on who would arrive at the location first. No actual bets were made, but there was a spirit of competition.

Little did I know that I would be driving with someone who could out race, the 'Jamaican Mark', (who is famous for his New York City cab driving skills).

But, Mark the Englishmen, had a few tricks up his sleeve. He looked at the Interstate-275 entry ramp and sped off on a shortcut. I said, "That's a mistake".

Little did I know.

I also did not know, that my driver has a thing for speed (the driving kind, not any illegal drug). He told us that he once drove a motorcycle 175 mph and his car over 160 mph.

To make a long story short, we beat the pants off the Jamaican Mark.

Once we got there (and waited about 5 minutes), everyone went into the Jerk Hut to order their Jamaican lunch. Everyone besides me.

I had been having flashbacks to what I considered to be unsanitary conditions at the Hut, so I opted for a slice of pizza from the place next door. It was good (and inexpensive). Although, it made me a little sleepy after returning to work,

Everyone had a nice time, except that it was extra humid inside the restaurant. To make things worse, our fan was broken,

Til next time, that is today's food report.

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