Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 Memories

On the morning of September 11th 2001, I was at my desk working as a Systems Engineer for Verizon listening to a sports radio show. The sportscaster started to comment on things he was seeing on the TV. Something about a plane hitting a building in New York.

Within a few minutes, people started to gather in a conference room where a TV was broadcasting the breaking news.

By this time, the second plane had already hit the second World Trade Center tower.

The room was mostly silent as people watched the buildings burn. When the first tower collapsed, many people cried out. Everyone knew right away that we were under attack and that our lives would never be the same.

I remember telling a co-worker, the airports will be shut down immediately. I wasn't sure how people would ever be able to fly again.

Since I had the option, I decided to work from home the rest of the day. Of course when I got home, I did nothing but watch the news. I don't think much work was accomplished that day/week.

The next day, I did return to the office and I admit that I was a little paranoid. Since, we were a major telecommunications center, I was concerned that we could be a target. To make things worse, we had no 'legitimate' security. Just a couple of 90 year old guards (I exaggerate a little).

But, things eventually returned to normal.

I sometimes think we have become too complacent. I am concerned to this day that something bad is going to happen. But, I know that God is in control and I must live my life to the fullest. I can't change what may or may not happen.

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