Saturday, October 3, 2009

Movie Review - "The Invention of Lying"

I recently saw the movie, "The Invention of Lying".

There were several things in the movie that made me think about our culture. The movie is set in a 'made-up' place where everyone tells the truth. Imagine a world where people would tell you exactly what they are feeling and you could do the same in return. People wouldn't have to pretend. Of course, hearing and telling the truth could be painful (or not).

Also, imagine a world where advertisers would tell you the truth. Just think how different that would be.

That's how this 'world' was until, the lead character invents lying. The actor is a British comedian. I have always liked the British type of humor (dry and witty).

I wish I could recommend the movie (some parts were very entertaining and funny). But, it was also a movie that had a secret agenda. It brutally attacked Christianity. It blamed God (the "Man in the Sky") for all the problems in the world. It went on and on attacking Biblical truths.

So, please don't see this movie.

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