Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Snake Field

One of the few places I can take my dogs for a walk is the "Snake Field". It is called that for obvious reasons. I have only seen a few over the years and none have been 'bad snakes'.

Of course, the grass is so high right now, that I could be walking next to them without knowing it.

The field can be seen from I-75 as you drive south (between Bruce B Downs and Fletcher).

The other places I walk the dogs are mostly in woody areas where the mosquitoes are waiting for any dumb person to walk along. Hopefully, they will die off soon.

So, two or three times a day, I load the dogs into the car and drive to the field.

Rusty, the retriever, does not have to be on a leash. He has slowed down enough where I could catch him if he started to run after something. The other dog, Bob, is walked with a leash. This is because, the one time we let him roam, he got a sharp 'burr' on his paw and when he tried to bite it off, it got stuck under his tongue. He needed to have a mini-procedure to have it removed.

The funny thing about the walk is that Rusty will take a few steps into the field and then just roll on his back for about 10 minutes, or just enough time for me to walk Bob down the field and back to Rusty. (Not much excerise for the overweight Rusty).

Rusty has always loved to roll on his back. He seems to be smiling the whole time. He especially loves to find Armadillo 'waste'. He will roll in that until we have to force him away from it. He gets a bath after those adventures.

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