Monday, June 29, 2009

Saved by the Lifeguard

My highschool had an indoor swimming pool. As part of gym class, all students were required to swim 50 meters, or they would fail the class. If you failed gym, you could not graduate. And since I could not swim, that would be a bit of a problem.

Any student who could not swim had to take swimming lessons. I took the lessons and improved slightly. However, I never mastered the technique to breathe correctly. I could swim, but I had to hold my breath. That proved to be my downfall.

On the big day, I had to swim 25 meters, touch the wall, and return 25 meters. So, I took a deep breath and off I went. Somehow, I made it to the wall. I took another deep breath and attempted to make it the remaining distance (knowing, that if I came up short, I would fail gym, and subsequently not graduate).

I almost made it, but ...

As I was still in the deep end, I ran out of air and slowly started to sink to the bottom. If it wasn't for one of the Hertzberger brothers, I would have been remembered as the kid who almost made it. I may have had a plaque put up in my honor. "Here lies Dave, the kid we could not save.".

But, the lifeguard earned his life-saving medal and I am here to blog about it all these years later.

ps: I did pass the class and I graduated from Chartiers Valley (they never had seen anyone hold their breath that long in an attempt to swim 50 meters).

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